As most of you, I have been awaiting this moment, to finally get my hands on BF3 and so far it's been pleasant. Although I have not gotten a chance to play online (don't rub it in), I have played the campaign. Most of you have probably forgotten and are probably wondering what that is, well it is the story part of the game that you play offline, now that that is clear, let's dive in.
The Good
Field of Battle
Let's start with the positive's: First, the game is beautiful and running around the maps was a lot of fun. The game had this fresh feeling through out from just the scenery and environment. I was truly happy with the stages, they were big, beautiful and very detailed. One thing I was very, very fond of was the sound design. The sound design is better than I have seen in any game before. Each shot you take, you can hear the crack of the bullet and depending on where you are, the appropriate echo as well, followed by the casing hitting the ground, and even the casings had there own individual sounds. Not only is it the guns that sound great but things from footsteps and yelling to planes flying over and tanks blasting away, everything sounded great.
If you listen carefully, you can hear them..
Another great addition to this game was Frostbite 2.0. Frostbite 2.0 is an engine that has been improved upon that made the whole experience way better. In every shooter (and really any game, 'cause it's fun) I yearn for an environment that is destructible in all the best ways. With this news engine you can shoot and breakdown the cover that your enemy hides behind, break down the guard of the sniper picking you and your teammates off, or you can just blow big chunks of the wall out, see your enemy standing right in front of you and then proceed to blow big chunks out of them. Be ware, any thing you can do, so can the enemy.
Speaking of, I thought the game provided a good challenge. The enemy A.I. was pretty well developed and pretty skilled as well. like i said, anything you can do, so can they. If you can shoot through a crack in your defense, so can they. They seem to be pretty aware also, so if you think you're going to take every one out peacefully from where you're hiding, now is a good time to rethink that. Going along with that same thought, if you get too close, many an enemy will try to melee you till you stop moving. I thought they did a good job of getting you too keep your distance at times and letting you get in close at others, I'm g;ad because every one knows how fun melee-ing can be.
This is one of those games that just has several things right. For instance, I have played games where I can take a barrage of ammo to the face and still be alive, oppositely, I have also played games where I have been killed by a graze in the arm, this game has what I think is a really decent view on the subject that is reflected in the game. It only takes four or five good tags and you're out.
The Not So Good
Now for some of the negatives: The story, I personally liked, but it could have been a lot better. It could have done with out the confusing aspect of who is who (which you can also read about in the link above) which, honestly, I get from just about every war game. I don't know what it is about guns, death, and explosions that make me forget who people are, but like I mentioned before, the story is probably not why you're going to buy the game.
PC Games - E3 2012 - Battlefield 3
Through out the game you get to play as a few other people as the main character Lt. Blackburn, who is being interrogated, recalls the events. The problem I had was that none of the different people, felt any different, there was no definitive separation between them besides the name, which you quickly forget. A few of them seemed to only be there to give you a chance to do things, like the girl (forgive me for not having a name) who flies co-pilot in the air combat section. The only other issues I encountered was the game being pretty glitchy. It froze on me a couple of times and lagged it several spots.
The Rest
Now, as I said, I did not get to go online with it if you would like to read about online play (which is probably why you got the game and reading this review, oops, sorry) but all hope is not lost. I have read a great review of it as well as the whole game and its all laid out for you. You're welcome. It's from G4 TV, so you should probably thank them, actually. Posted below is a part of the link, but still check out the full review from them as well:
"With all that said, any fan of the franchise knows that Battlefield is not about the campaign. The series is all about playing with other people in huge online skirmishes that involve every aspect of warfare imaginable, and Battlefield 3 is no exception. The multiplayer encompasses both the familiar competitive mode and a newly added mission based two-player co-op mode. Co-op is similar to Modern Warfare 2's Spec Ops mode, but instead of numerous bite-sized tasks, Battlefield 3 offers six more involved and complex missions. They're fairly length and highly varied in objectives, and have enough randomization to them that playing more than once isn't a chore. Don't expect them to be pushovers, either, because they do not skimp on the difficulty. Even on normal, you will not simply walk through them. Best of all, experience gained and weapons unlocked in co-op counts toward your overall multiplayer profile. Given how important unlocks can be in the competitive arena, co-op can be used as a valuable place to XP grind a bit in relative peace.
Competitive multiplayer will be familiar to veterans of the series. Two teams go head-to-head on any of nine new maps. The classic Battlefield game type Conquest returns, in which teams try to control flag points in order to score points and deplete the enemy team's reserves by "bleeding" their ticket count down to zero. The more points you control, the faster the bleed rate. Bad Company's Rush mode has also been transplanted over, which sees the teams battling over pairs of M-COM targets. One team defends them, one team attacks them and tries to plant explosives on the M-COMs. If both are destroyed, the defenders fall back to a new pair until they either run out of fallback positions or they reduce the attackers' reserves down to zero. Other permutations are present, such as Team Deathmatch and squad-based variants of Conquest and Rush, but you'll find that the vast majority of players stick to the main two gametypes.
Both primary gametypes are great, and at this point DICE has them honed to a fine art when it comes to designing their maps to support both. After many hours of play, I have yet to find any real bottleneck points in any of them, and they all feel nicely distinct from one another. The phenomenal Frostbite 2 tech lets almost any structure be damaged to the point of just leaving a skeleton standing, and there's little more satisfying than blowing the wall out from in front of that sniper who's been harassing your squad for the last few kills."
Read more:
All in all, Battlefield 3 is a great war-style game and has a fantastic multiplayer ( so I've heard). It is one of the most realistic and beautiful games I have played and has a lot of great features that do nothing but compliment the actual gameplay. Oorah.
It's a definite "get" and I think a lot a people are going to be very pleased.
What did you think about the game? Have any thoughts? Post 'em! Let us know.
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