'Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation' Review

Gameloft is well-known for basing their games on giants from the console world and Modern Combat is the iOS equivalent of the first-person shooter giant, Call of Duty. In the latest, and greatest installment of the series the United States are under attack from a trio of countries, those being Korea, Pakistan, and Russia. Like any country would do, the United States fight back to get the invaders out.


Lets begin with AI, it doesn't seem to really be AI at all. The enemies seem to be stuck to a certain path, because they always seem to come from the same place and just shoot at you from the same position. The controls are good, the best part about them is that they're customizable, so if you don't like to ones you're playing with you can try out another style.


The graphics are up to, and if not, above the expected 3D par in this latest installment, unfortunately knowing the true power of the A5 chip, when compared to games like Infinity Blade, there is a large notable difference. The areas which you're able to roam in are of high quality, the surrounding areas such as the city background are of lesser, but still good quality. The guns look fantastic, as do the menus and icons in-game.


Once you've finished playing through the campaign, you're free to jump right back in on a harder difficulty, or to play through your favorite mission again by using the mission select ability. If you're not really into doing so, or you already have done so, then you can jump right into multiplayer. The game offers a few options, which doing so will give you many more hours of enjoyable action.


For the type of game that Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation is, the asking price is well worth it, for the same price as a small or medium pizza, you're getting a great game of high quality. Unfortunately though not everyone will be able to pay up such a high cost.


Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation is a high quality, well polished first-person shooter without a doubt. The game stacks up hours of gameplay, the campaign may not be the best but the multiplayer really picks up from that. The game looks great, and plays great. First-person shooter fans should seriously check this one out as soon as possible.

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